Wednesday, 7 March 2012

HCI Principles - Behaviour Models

Behaviour Models
Behaviour Models are there to help the creator test how the GUI in functioning (How efficiently it is running and how easily it will be able to perform tasks).
Behaviour Models can be divided into two categories which are:
Predictive Models -  Keystroke Level Model and Fitts’ Law
Keystroke Level Model – Keystroke Level Model is used to determine the amount of time it takes the user to interact with the Graphical User interface. For example it will determine how long it takes the user to complete tasks within the interface such as how much time it will take to interact with a button on the keyboard or how long it will take the user to point at a specific part of the interface with the mouse icon.
Fitts’ Law -  Fitts’ law is a model used to determine what size the creator should make certain parts of the interface such as desktop icons and menu’s within the interface. It basically states that the bigger the area that the user wants to interact with the less time it will take to interact with this given area. For example the creator should make the start menu button on the desktop quite large in size compared to the other icons surrounding it therefore making it stand out and will make reduce the time it will take for the user to interact with it by using the mouse pointer.

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